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A theme based movie podcast that offers in-depth reviews of films across the whole spectrum of film history from the silent era to modern day classics and new releases. Accompanied by our never ending film festivals, interviews and top 5's we will enthrall you with ridiculousness, knowledge and humor. We drink, we curse, and most reviews contain spoilers, so be weary. Voted Best New Podcast by SLC's City Weekly come be a fly on the wall of our conversations about the art form that we love with the ever so cultured and hilarious Adam Sherlock and Adam Palcher.

Apr 13, 2024

This week we dive deep into the famous Top That rap scene from 1989's Teen Witch. We discuss the ridiculousness of the scene, the history behind it and what caused it to have a second life and becoming a viral sensation in the internet age. This thing is dripping of the 80's! Enjoy the conversation and our...

Apr 4, 2024

This week have our first installment of our Cyberpunk Film Festival. We begin with the 1998 Alex Proyas directed Dark City. A strange world full of distant memories and Strangers lurking about. Underrated movie and great conversation, enjoy!