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A theme based movie podcast that offers in-depth reviews of films across the whole spectrum of film history from the silent era to modern day classics and new releases. Accompanied by our never ending film festivals, interviews and top 5's we will enthrall you with ridiculousness, knowledge and humor. We drink, we curse, and most reviews contain spoilers, so be weary. Voted Best New Podcast by SLC's City Weekly come be a fly on the wall of our conversations about the art form that we love with the ever so cultured and hilarious Adam Sherlock and Adam Palcher.

Sep 26, 2014

Don't get me wrong! I only want to kill you, or be killed by you. This week, it is all about the parody. Two great send ups of two similar genres. We start with 2004's Live action cartoon, Kung Fu Hustle, then get into the third installment of our Cinema Westival 2, Mel Brook's Blazing Saddles. Finally, Top 5 Directors...

Sep 10, 2014

I was different. The whole damn country was different. Everything would be different right now too if I'd been half as a paranoid as I am today. This week, we take a closer look at the lone gunmen who change history with a single bullet. We start with 1993's In the Line Of Fire, and then move on to the 2007 western...